Huff Post-Authors!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Forever Home Dog: What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?


Book Description

April 23, 2015
A Forever Home Dog:What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?
Growing up I never had the wonderful experience of having a dog as a pet and actually would say that I did not care for dogs. However in the last half of my life from a request from my son I took his dog and it has been a very good experience. I understand why the expression, “A dog is man’s best friend,” came about. They are truly an addition to any one’s family.
I can say that I wish that many of the people that have crossed my path would have had at least some of the qualities of a dog. They truly are loving creatures and loyal to a fault.
The learning curve with my forever friend was interesting but what I want to talk about is the mistakes that I made in things that that I let my dog eat. I did not know any better, when I fed him a grape! I would have never wanted to feed him anything that could be bad for him and definitely anything th
You and your new dog/puppy simply want a life forever home where the whole family can love your dog/puppy and he/she can love you. This is what I wanted and yet I came close to having a disaster by not having vital information about, “What fruits can a dog eat?”
Growing up I never had the wonderful experience of having a dog as a pet and actually would say that I did not care for dogs. However in the last half of my life from a request from my son I took his dog and it has been a very good experience. I understand why the expression, “A dog is man’s best friend,” came about. They are truly an addition to any one’s family.


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Shopper's Domain by Debra Ledford


Book Description

March 2, 2015
Shopper's Domain. A wild and fun way to become debt free.

The purpose of this book along with the pocket file; is for it to be a fun and wildly exciting aid in helping people learn to manage their money and to catch up on their bills by what’s already there in their lives and by what goes on in their life as guide purposes only in the distribution of an amount of money to be placed into a certain category which has a bill listed; for example.

As a result of this book (used along with a pocket file, purchased separately) being available to the public; it could create a frenzy of more and more people going into the stores to try this fun and exciting new method of managing their money and to catch up on their bills by doing what they naturally enjoy doing -shopping!