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Thursday, October 24, 2013

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Best Soups

Product Details

My Mom’s Crock Pot Soup that she would start cooking before she left for work and then when I got home I would turn the switch to “warm” until supper time. The aroma would drive me crazy as I did my homework and waited in great anticipation to have my hot bowl of soup.
One of the advantages of preparing soups in a Crockpot's is the richness of flavor from the slow cooking process. Here are three Crackpot recipes, great comfort meals.

I have always loved everything about cooking! I delight in the aromas that fill the kitchen and I enjoy tweaking recipes to make them my own, and I have a good time experimenting with what I have on hand. You will especially love that cooking draws people to the dinner table. I think society today is missing much by not having the family learning experiences around the dinner table. Having your meal in front of the television while watching violent or corrupting programs is missing the mark of developing good character and strengthening the family structure. There's no better way to enjoy your family and friends then by having great times and wonderful conversations over a meal.
You will notice I emphasize Filtered Water. Read the comments in recipe number three as to why filtered water is so very important.

Leave a comment requesting a FREE e-book.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Diabetic BBQ Recipes

DIABETIC BBQ RECIPES is over 25 recipes. This includes 3 recipes for BBQ sauce and a special treat for a desert that is cooked on the grill.
Have fun trying these recipes and had your own ideas and let me hear from you. There are also a number of tips for the novice in the grill arena.
The author has several Diabetic recipe books published and she is also a type II diabetic. Jenny loves to cook and prepare healthy recipes for her family to enjoy.

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Slow Cooker Recipes

Slow-Cooker Recipes

Slow Cooker Recipes was written for you: The busy professional and mom that is so very busy and yet needs to provide a nutritious home cooked meal that will not take hours of preparation.
Over 90 Slow Cooker, breakfast, lunch, dinner and desert recipes. The recipes include nutrition data, and some include serving tips.
In this Slow Cooker cookbook, you will discover 90 recipes for delicious home-cooked meals.
Your Slow Cooker takes quick and easy meals to a whole new level of the busy mom food preparation. After a hard day of work Mom's want to relax and rest. However what you need to do is to get dinner on the table. Now you can do both!
Simple ingredients and very little bother the Slow Cooker Cookbook provides Quick Easy Recipes that you put into your Slow Cooker in the morning before leaving for work, and a delicious, hot dinner will be ready for you when you get home.

Imagine coming home to an elegant Roast Beef or Chicken Parmesan. Now relax at the dinner table after a long day at work and enjoy a delicious serving of Slow Cooker Macaroni and Cheese.

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Diabetic Snack Recipes

Diabetic Snack Recipes is what I had been needing!
What we want to do is provide some ideas for snacks that we can have on hand to help keep us from having hypoglycemia and to have a more stable glucose level of readings throughout the day.
Were going to give you a list of foods that should be on your pantry but most of all RECIPES FOR SNACKS that are going to make a big difference in managing our DIABETES and not feel so deprived when we have to watch our family having snacks all the time.
No more do I have to be doing my work and constantly have a horrible feeling of being hungry and left out of the good things because I have Type II diabetes. I have snacks close on hand that I can have when needed and they are not "junk" but are so tasty. What a wonderful difference my SNACKS have made.
Diabetic Snack Recipes is a big help with me. Thanks Jenny. DB
Check out Jennys blogspot and request a link for a FREE E-book download,

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Summer Desserts

A fabulous collection of over 30 Summer Desserts that will delight your family and guests. From Rum Cake to Raspberry Swirl to Chocolate to die for. These are all my favorites in one place for your pleasure.
Rum Cake and Raspberry Swirl to Chocolate to die for!
Go to:-   and request via comments a FREE E-book download.

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Diabetic Desserts

Product Details

Over 25 Diabetic desserts that are sure to please your taste buds. My favorite is the Cheese Cake, Fudge and the Pineapple cake. Even the Coconut candy is fantastic.
Includes information on using the best sugar substitute that I have ever used and converting sugar measurements to sugar substitute measurements.

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The Best Smoothie

Product Details

This is a collection of Smoothies in alphabetical order and over 26 that are sure to be fun making and a delight drinking.
Have you ever heard of the "Queen''s Revenge" or the "Xanadu" Smoothie?

Why are Smoothies so very popular?
Smoothies can be one of the best "Foods" your body can enjoy.
Here are some of the Smoothie benefits:

1. Choosing the right ingredients, a smoothie can be a great way to cleanse and detoxify your body. This can help your health generally.

2. Smoothies give you a real energy boost, not a fake caffeine kick. I like the caffeine kick myself. Shhhh!

3. They are quick and easy to prepare and you can take them with you and drink it on your way to work.

4. Fruits and vegetables are important in our diet but it can be a really difficult to eat as much as we should. So the Smoothie can come to the rescue.

5. Kids really like them. It is a great way to give your kids nutritious fruits and vegetables that taste really good. I found that if I had a handful of blueberries to the green smoothie it then becomes palatable to my kids.

Now it's time to get started preparing your own.
I always substitute Stevia for sugar and this is also a must for diabetics; or some of the other artificial sweeteners.
Remember the more sugar and fruit you use the more the carbohydrates and sugar add up. You can still have a great smoothie without excessive fruit in each one.

Many people find that freezing their fruit before using it in a smoothie is a great way to get a thicker, cooler smoothie than you get by adding ice. If the fruit you plan to use is large, like watermelon, it may be best to cut it into smaller pieces before putting it in the freezer. Freeze the fruit on a plate or piece of aluminum foil, so the pieces don't stick together, and then transfer them to a clean container in the freezer for later use. Experiment with the amount of liquid you use and the amount of ice so it is the consistency that pleases your individual taste.

You can put vegetables in your smoothie mix as well. You can make smoothies with vegetable ingredients that taste surprisingly good.
In the end, making the perfect, healthy smoothie is all up to you. It is easier than you think...................................................................

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Diabetic Daily Journal Log Book

A Log Book for all your readings and data to help you and your physician see any patterns that will enable you to make positive changes. A plan for improving your health as a Diabetic. Six months of data will change your health for the better.

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Paleo Diet for Beginners

Product Details

Paleo Diet for Beginners is the ultimate book to learn and have the information to begin your journey to a better and fitter you. Included are over 25 recipes to get you started eating the Paleo way and burning fat.
This is a health journey where you are about to meet your Paleolithic Era Self, and you will learn how to keep him or her healthy. Many are claiming that they are burning the FAT and achieving weight loss. However, more important this journey is about improving the quality of your modern diet, your physical health, and the sustainable long term quality of your life.
Most of us, haven't even realized that we have a Paleolithic Era Self, let alone realized that we may need to actually nourish him or her with specific foods. While "nourishing your Paleolithic Era Self" is indicating a need for a change in our eating habits, it is more appropriate and a more accurate description of a very successful eating plan that many are embracing and enjoying.
It may be a coincidence that what many nutritionists label the “Standard American Diet” creates an acronym that spells out the word SAD. But it is an extremely accurate description of what we eat and how we eat in the western world. We need to take the time and study the transition from what our ancestors ate and what we eat today.
Perhaps looking thousands of years back for an answer to the problem we have created for ourselves seems a bit ridiculous to you. But once you learn how our prehistoric ancestors ate prior to the advent of modern agriculture, you will probably have a different opinion.

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Fiat Money

A look at Fiat money. What is Fiat Money and the many aspects of our money and how we have been set up and taken advantage of. The history of Fiat money and how it has become so deep in our fiances. We look at why and the results of governments printing more and more money and why they do it.
We all need to have a knowledge of Fiat money and understand how it affects us daily. How long can this keep going on before it crashes and brings total chaos in the world?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Slow Cooker Vegetarian

Slow Cooker Vegetarian.
To my readers,
I started using my Slow Cooker often after my husband had open heart surgery and did not recover quickly. The Crock Pot recipes have been a blessing in saving time, having nutritious meals and meals that did not cost a fortune.
Some will say that all my vegetable recipes are not right because some of them I do add things like condensed milk, various cheeses and eggs. Forgive me I am not a die hard. Make your adjustments as you see fit.
These recipes can be adjusted according to your taste preferences, so you can leave out undesirable ingredients or add others that appeal to you, I encourage you to experiment and send me an email at  and let me know what new recipes you come up with.
I add ingredients just to increase the heartiness and color palate of the recipes. If I could hug the one that invented the Slow Cooker I would,what a blessing.In the end, you just want everything to be hearty, moist, and flavorful.
I love you guys and keep the emails coming. They are an encouragement to me.
Your friend,
PS I would FREE  E-book. Go to:-   and leave me a comment and I will send a link to your email. Thanks.

Thursday, October 3, 2013